Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Automated MIDlet testing on Symbian phones

I have been digging internet to search some tool, that would help me to make automated functional testing solution for java application on mobile phone. There are some solutions in internet, like http://deviceanywhere.com or http://www.testquest.com/, but those are very expensive.

The best tool what i found is mVNC (vnc server on Symbian phone) together with Vnc robot.
Whole solution costs 24 EUR (for mVNC only, because vnc robot is freeware).

Next steps:
  • start mVNC server on phone
  • connect to it using vnc robot
  • write (really easy) or record test scripts. Capture and compare images.
  • playback your scripts as many times as you need.
I think this is very good solution for automated testing of mobile applications

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